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Selected Works

Booth view at TEFAF Maastricht 2022
Booth view of Joseph-André Motte furniture pieces and Eugéne Leroy works at TEFAF Maastricht 2022
Booth view of Joseph-André Motte furniture pieces, Eugéne Leroy works at TEFAF Maastricht 2022
TEFAF Maastricht 2022
TEFAF Maastricht 2022
TEFAF Maastricht 2022
TEFAF Maastricht 2022
Maxime Old
Maxime Old
Salon Sofa, Model 369 1957 Sold: MO0003 SOLD, 2306, #tefafny23 #TEFAFMA22, sofa
Maxime Old
Maxime Old
Pair of Armchairs, Model 369 1957 Sold: MO0007 SOLD, 2211, #TEFAFMA22, chair, armchair, armchairs, chairs, lounge chairs, maxime old, old
Maxime Old
Maxime Old
Set of 4 'Conseil' Chairs 1961 MO0006 2206, SOLD #bronzeage #TEFAFMA22, chairs, set of chairs, chair
Francis Jourdain
Francis Jourdain
Gueridon c. 1920 CFJ0012 SOLD, 2208, #TEFAFMA22, side table, table
Joseph-André Motte
Joseph-André Motte
Pair of Wall Cabinets c. 1965 Sold: JM3265 SOLD, 2206, #TEFAFMA22, cabinet, wood cabinet, cabinets
Joseph-André Motte
Joseph-André Motte
Dining Table with Extensions c. 1965 JM3266 2206, #bronzeage #FOG23, #StoreFrontLG22, #TEFAFMA22, 2108, #Web21, dining table
Joseph-André Motte
Joseph-André Motte
Light Table 1958 Available: JM3183, JM3262 Sold: JM3199, JAM0092 2206, #TEFAFMA22, #Web20, tables, low table, coffee table, TEFAFMA17, #DMBasel08
Joseph-André Motte
Joseph-André Motte
Directional Desk 1966 JM3276 2310, SOLD #ASD, #FOG23, #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22, desk, wood desk, desks
Antoine Philippon & Jacqueline Lecoq
Antoine Philippon & Jacqueline Lecoq
'Confort' Desk Chair, Model 3001 1964 SOLD: AP3149 Sold, 2210, #TEFAFMA22, desk chair, chair, chairs
Joseph-André Motte
Joseph-André Motte
J-2 Floor Lamp 1960 Sold: JM3280 SOLD, 2301, #TEFAFMA22, #Disderot, lamps, lighting
René-Jean Caillette
René-Jean Caillette
B1 Floor Lamp 1956 RC3000 Sold: RC2909, RC2973 2306, #wintershow25 #bronzeage #summer23, #FOG23, #TEFAFMA22, #Disderot, NewForms TheWay2017, lamp, lighting, floor lamp
Janine Abraham & Dirk Jan Rol
Janine Abraham & Dirk Jan Rol
KR5 Ceiling Lamp c. 1960 JR2820 SOLD, 2206, #TEFAFMA22 #Disderot, #ceilinglamps, #lamps #chandelier
Marc Held
Marc Held
Desk Lamp c. 1968 MH0003 SOLD, 2206, #TEFAFMA22, #Web21, lamps
André Simard
André Simard
ES 2 Table Lamp c. 1956 AS0005 2206, SOLD #wintershow25 #winter23 #FOG23 #TEFAFMA22, #Disderot, lamps lighting
Michel Guino
Michel Guino
La Nouvelle Eve 1957 MG0001 #1903, #TEFAFMA22, #TEFAFMA19, sculptures, artworks
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Untitled 1936 EL0015 2109, #TEFAFMA22, #Web21, Artworks, Drawing
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Maison au Toit Rouge c.1950s EL0004 2103, #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22 #Web20, #TEFAFMA20, oils, paintings, artworks
Eugène Leroy L'Âtre, 1954
Eugène Leroy
L'Âtre c. 1954 EK0021 2209, #maastricht24 #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22, #TEFAFNY22, paintings, artworks, oil, canvas
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Bouquet Valentine 1956 EL0023 2209, #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22, paintings, art, artworks
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Untitled (Maternity) c. 1959 EL0029 2206, #wintershow25 #maastricht24 #FOG23, #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22, art, painting, leroy
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Deux Arbres 1962 EL0011 2210, #FAB23 #Dunkirk-Roubaix, #TEFAFMA22, #TEFAFNY22, #TEFAF21, #Web21, painting
Eugène Leroy
Eugène Leroy
Untitled c. 1970 EL0009 2209, #TEFAFMA22 #Web21, Artworks, painting
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