In celebration of French POP | Alain Jacquet: selected works from the 1960s, we had the privilege of conversing with Gaïa Jacquet-Matisse, the daughter of Alain. Gaïa shares her cherished memories of her father and offers insights into her perspectives on collecting, art, and cities.
What was your favorite corner of your father’s studio?
Probably the bed… he had this canopy bed made out of New York City street scaffolding, so I would always climb it and have the best view of the entire studio.
What do you collect?
I am a collector of a multitude of things... It really all started when I was a little kid in the countryside in France. Every summer there would be these brocantes (open air markets) in our town where everyone comes out and sells things. It was my favorite thing ever, my father would give me some francs and I would spend the day running around searching for treasures. In my teenage years I started collecting vintage pieces, and my collection has been growing non stop ever since. Then in my early twenties I got really into auction houses and started collecting all different sorts of objects from the past, I have a real love for tiny objects, little boxes and such. By my late twenties, I inevitably began collecting art, starting with purchasing my father's work at auctions. Since then, my art collection has expanded as I work with and support many incredible emerging artists by buying their work. Now, as I enter my thirties, I see my collection growing to include not only art but also vintage furniture and design pieces.
Do you live with any of your fathers works?
Yes, I’ve been very fortunate to have always been surrounded by my father's work, as well as my mother's. In my early twenties, I began acquiring my father's work at auctions, so now, in my own home, I live with a couple of his paintings. One is Ape with a Gold Tooth, 1980 and the other is Plage D’Antilles, 1970. The best thing about auctions is that, most of the time, I have never even seen the paintings beforehand, as my father sold them to collectors long before I was born..
NY or Paris?
Mexico City… My husband and I moved here two years ago, and while we split our time between NY, Paris and here, we are really loving being in CDMX right now. The culture, the art scene, people’s mindset, it's just inspiring.
Between NY and Paris, there is no way to choose; they are both so different. Paris will always win for its beauty and historical richness, but New York has its own charm, the energy in the city is like no other… and there's nothing like an old studio loft apartment.
What’s your favorite artistic trait?
I would say it's the ability of artists to present us with an alternative vision of what we think we already know. Each artist possesses a unique perspective on the world, and when we are exposed to these varied viewpoints, our minds expand. This exposure allows us to see things differently, inspiring us and allowing us to have compassion for others.
Where did your father find inspiration?
My father's inspiration was deeply rooted in dialogues and conversations with the great artists of his time, intertwined with the exploration of new technologies and their potential to advance his work. He often reinterpreted the works of great masters such as Ingres and Botticelli, as well as those of more contemporary artists like Lichtenstein and Johns. In some of his interpretations, he utilized new technologies such as screen printing in the 1960s, which can be seen in his paintings La Source, 1965-2003 and Gabrielle D’Estrées, 1965. In the 1970s and 1980s, much of his inspiration came from the Earth, and he returned to hand painting. Then, to further his exploration of space, he began to work with computer technology in the 1990s to morph planets into hot dogs and donuts in outer space. He was always in search of what was next.
How did your father influence your own interests?
He introduced me to high-quality experiences, and although we were never wealthy, he always found a way to show me the best of the best, from fine cuisine to cashmere sweaters; he had a discerning taste. He also never pressured me to conform to any particular way of being. I had a lot of freedom, and that, combined with the creativity that surrounded me from having artist parents, led me to discover my own interests.
Form or Function?
Form.. unless the function is completely necessary and the form is still aesthetically pleasing.
–Gaïa Jacquet-Matisse