Christian Adam
Pair of Scherzo Chairs, 1970
Polyurethane foam, fabric
23.62 H x 38.19 x 31.5 inches
60 H x 97 x 80 cm
Edition Airborne
Innovations II at Demisch Danant Shows Designs that Evoke Space-Age “Cool”
For more than a decade the New York gallery Demisch Danant has been enthusiastically filling in the landscape of modern French design, showing work by such stars as Pierre Paulin whose painted aluminum and smoked glass Flower Table was commissioned by Georges Pompidou for the Élysée Palace or Olivier Mourgue whose molded fiberglass Bouloum chair is shaped like a welcoming, human-scale paper doll lounging on the floor. Both of those objects are included in Innovation: made in France II, on view through July 1, which concentrates on the revolutionary period between 1965 and 1975 when there was a rich crossover between technology and art in the design world.