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Salon Series

Eileen Gray: A Conversation
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 6-8 pm

For the fifth installment of our salon-style series The Making of a Collection, we invite you to a conversation about Eileen Gray (1878-1976), the Irish-born architect and designer, and her ongoing influence. 

Inspired by the publication of Eileen Gray: Conversations by architect Jan Greben, based on seven years of teaching at the New York Institute of Technology on two houses by Gray: the villa E.1027 and Tempe a Pailla, our discussion will touch on these two buildings, and explore Gray's innovative use of materials, and the mobility of her thinking across the scales of architecture and furniture design. We will be joined by Annabelle Selldorf, whose firm, Selldorf Architects, works on large-scale cultural buildings as well as residential and interiors projects. The discussion is salon-style and we encourage all to participate. 

Moderated by Glenn Adamson, independent curator and writer, author of Craft: An American History (2022).

Jan Greben Architect, author, educator. Jan Greben’s independent architecture practice focuses on flexibility, an economy of means, and the personal interpretation of modern principles. 

Annabelle Selldorf is the Principal of Selldorf Architects, which she founded in 1988. Cultural and institutional clients include the Frick Collection, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the Art Gallery of Ontario, and the National Gallery London.  A Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, she is also the creative head and lead designer of Vica by Annabelle Selldorf, a collection of furniture, lighting, and accessories.

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