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Selected Works

Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Store Front Not Priced Presentation

Store Front | Jean-Baptiste Caron
Above the Ground
September 5 – October 5, 2024

Jean-Baptiste Caron (b. 1983) is an attentive observer of the world that surrounds him. With a vocabulary of simple and poetic forms, he invites the viewer to reflect upon their own visual perception.

In his work, Caron seeks to elude reality all the while rooting his artistic practice in a scientific rigor. Challenging our certitudes with seamless shifts from one state of matter to another, he experiments with gravity and buoyancy, density and lightness, the material and immaterial, manipulating extremes to put them under tension.

For his first show in the United-States, Jean-Baptiste Caron has been invited to display his work in the context of our long-standing program Store Front which seasonally gives free rein to an artist, designer or creative friend of the gallery to present a specific installation in the gallery’s store front windows.

For his Store Front presentation, titled Above the Ground Jean-Baptiste Caron explores the alliance between the terrestrial and the celestial. Though a series of new works, he addresses our relationship with verticality and its dialectic of oppositions, in search of a balance point, however fragile it may be.

The artist offers an alternative space that stands at the tipping point between the real and the intangible, where we can experience this state of floating in between, at the threshold of dreams and actuality. Yet the feeling remains that at any moment, it could all brutally collapse and reality claim back its due.

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