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Room interior with Maxime Old Furniture

Living-room shown by Maxime Old at the Salon des Arts Décoratifs

Interior with chairs, sofa, low table, rug and curtains

Correspondence Lounge on the 1st floor of the Marhaba Hotel, Tunisia, 1953-1954

Restaurant dining room with Maxime Old Chairs and white curtains

Panoramic Restaurant on the 15th floor of the Marhaba Hotel, Tunisia, 1953-1954

Large interior with colorful chairs, rug, low table, mural art

First Class "grand salon" on SS France liner, designed by Maxime Old, 1962

Large room with oval table and chairs

Municipal Council Room, city hall of Rouen, designed by Maxime Old, 1963


Drawing of chairs

Drawing of chairs for the first class "grand salon" of the SS France, presented at the Salon des Artistes Décorateurs in 1961

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